Process GPS content from various devices. Establish a connection between the source of info and your machine, view the materials, and perform basic editing, correction, copying, and export operations. Save the data in plain text, GPX, KML, KMZ, etc. Display materials in 3D.
GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. Basically it's a tool to let you play with your GPS data after you get home from your trip.
Main features:
- Loading of coordinate data from file in any text-based format, with any combination of fields and any separator, or in GPX or KML or KMZ or NMEA format. Xml files can be zipped or gzipped.
- Loading of coordinate data from GPS receivers using gpsbabel.
- Top-down, zoomable, draggable view of data points including map images from Openstreetmap or any similar map tile server (eg opencyclemap, openpistemap).